Need new HVAC? Read this.

Eventually, every HVAC system reaches the end of its lifespan. It might gradually decline with costly repairs or suddenly stop working after many years of reliable operation.

It's wise to be proactive by researching HVAC systems and seeking recommendations for top-notch contractors.

Be Prepared

For an objective overview of whether to repair or replace your HVAC system and how to choose a new one, the Department of Energy offers a helpful fact sheet. It covers considerations like costs, financing, appropriate sizing for your space, and other relevant factors.

Making the Choice

According to the Energy Department, HVAC systems typically start losing efficiency after about 10 years, although this is just an average estimate. Many systems can last 15 years or more with proper care, while others might fail earlier.

Upgrading to a new system brings immediate advantages such as advanced technology, improved energy efficiency, and enhanced features for ease of use.

On the downside, new systems are costly, but since they're a long-term investment, financing options are often available.

Need More Advice?

Considering the significant cost of HVAC systems for your home or business, consulting a reputable HVAC expert is recommended by the Department of Energy to weigh all the pros and cons.

Regular maintenance may extend the life of your current system.

However, if you choose a new system, the Energy Department advises replacing both the indoor and outdoor units together to ensure efficiency and compatibility.

They suggest adopting a long-term perspective, including getting a maintenance agreement to extend the life of your HVAC, which may also help retain parts of the old system for future use.


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